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A Real Organizing Story​

I HAD a plan. 

The mission was To serve a large family with a whole-home “purge and pack, unpack and organize” project. 

The trouble was (Our first obstacle): the severe weather phenomenon was NOT part of the plan!

It put a wrench in the project timeline-a big wrench.

Another unforeseen problem; due to unforeseen circumstances, one of my organizers was unavailable.  

I had to quickly adapt to accomplish this seemingly overwhelming task. 

I  called upon every soul within my sphere of influence that I knew of that possessed a strong work ethic and organizing skills! 

The team was assembled, the plan was modified and we began the purge and pack process with our client. 

Our second obstacle: The movers were late. Very late. Which again adversely affected the timeline of the project. 

On unpack jobs, the kitchen bathrooms and closets are always first. I wanted these specific boxes to be relocated to the new house ASAP to be unpacked and organized. 

My team two of the client’s family members became a mighty force. An assembly line was formed, boxes were loaded in personal vehicles and transported. Another assembly line was created at the new house and those 123 boxes were unloaded in 20 minutes. My team of organizers divided into two groups to begin the process of unpacking and organizing the most critical areas.

By the time the movers arrived with the furniture, Our zones were almost completely unpacked, boxes broken down and loaded up. 

Our third obstacle:

Were the movers actually movers  or recently released convicts? They were rough, brash and nothing to guffaw about!!

My expectations of what a moving company does and should do and the reality I experienced was as bizarre as the south Texas weather we recently lived through earlier that week!!

In a perfect world, what happens is that the movers will place the boxes in the room that corresponds to the label on the box.  They place the boxes where they belong so we can take it from there and unpack it and break down the boxes. Easy.

In this case however, the convicts (I mean movers) mixed them up and then threw them into the house! They ended up wherever they landed. When they disassembled furniture they lost the hardware at the old house so none of the Furniture was reasonable at the new house. Again, like the crazy freezing weather this was feeling similar to a twilight zone experience!

I asked my strong son and his friends to move the boxes where they should’ve been placed and to assemble all the furniture. 

The following day the original plan to unpack and organize the new house ensued.

In conclusion, the client was given the gift of peace. 

At the end of the day,  it was communication and collaboration that resulted in a successful mission accomplished!

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